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Vacation days and to-do lists

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There’s a high possibility that I either developed allergies (I’ve never had them before) or I’m getting sick (I have body aches). Today was the first day of my 7-day vacation and I had a plan. It was an awesome plan. Laundry. Cleaning. Post Office. Zumba. I can tell you right now that other than getting my gym clothes on nothing on that list was accomplished. I did get some dishes done, but I feel like complete crap. So I napped almost all day. While that may not have been the best use of my time, I have 6 more days off to get stuff done and be on point.

After rolling out of bed for the 4th time, I made my bed. I’m less likely to nap in it if it’s made- I guess I’m weird like that. I worked on a second to-do list. This list is for my length of vacation. It includes all things healthy from making a new recipe to drop it like a squat and walking around my city. I live in within downtown limits, but I NEVER walk around, so I’m going to take advantage of these days off.

I made 25 cards with different tasks on them that I have to accomplish from now until next Thursday when I go back to work. I’m great with lists and I believe this will really keep me on track as well as give me something to motivate me to think outside of the box.

This is also my day 17. I love to-do lists. It just happens that mine is currently on my wall and not on a piece of paper :]


What keeps you on track? Do lists help or hinder your day?

<3 Cristina

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