I’m Health Coach Cristina.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I’m a Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) who specializes in trauma-informed care practices and public health principles to support folks who are neurodiverse, a part of the LGBTQAI+ community and have experienced trauma. Learn more below about how I got here.

A little about this site

This website and blog, like me, has evolved so much over the past decade or so. When I started writing it was to share my own health journey (pre-coaching). At the time, I hadn’t realized how many things influenced my overall health, my motivations and my ability to make and be confident in my choices. Through writing, sharing and eventually becoming a coach, I have a much more comprehensive understanding of what makes us healthy and live healthy lives. This blog was called Run, Sweat, Eat, Repeat. and had always bridged reality when I started running in the very beginning to the metaphor for getting through life it is now.

Since becoming a coach in 2016, this site is now a place for it all. I talk about how I navigate my personal struggles, I offer health and nutrition education and talk about coaching experiences with my 1:1 clients.

Confetti Hearts Wall, Charlotte, NC

I’ve had many traumatic experiences that impacted my health throughout childhood, adolescence and adulthood. I’m telling you this because my health story wasn’t and isn’t just physical, and I know yours isn’t either.

I was diagnosed with binge eating disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in my early 20s related to childhood trauma. Recovery is interesting. It’s a lot of hard work and growth must be continuous. We never stop healing and unlearning.

In 2016, I decided that my journey wasn’t meant to be just about me.

I’m now a Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach with NB-HWC. I’m also a certified health coach and fitness nutrition specialist with the American Council on Exercise (ACE). I have a certification from USA Powerlifting as a club level coach, a certificate the University of Indiana for trauma-informed care and am a certified Trauma-Informed Coach through The Centre for Healing.

I’m working on a masters in public health (MPH) concentrating in nutrition from UNC’s Gillings School of Global Health with an expected graduation date of May 2025. For more information about my credentials, please check out the page, Work with Cristina.

The mission of Wellness Refocused Coaching and Consulting is to help individuals and organizations on their journey to holistic wellness by providing culturally appropriate, evidence-based and trauma-informed support. I’m committed to recognizing and addressing how social determinants and oppressive systems play a role in our abilities to make individual healthy choices and build functioning teams.

I’m driven by values because of my identities and experiences. I recognize the privilege I have as well as the barriers I still face. My strive to unlearn and relearn everyday as I live in our inequitable systems.

Authenticity and Collaboration

I prioritize building genuine, trust-based relationships with clients. Through authenticity, I aim to create a safe, open and honest environment, fostering sincere connections where individuals can show up as their whole selves and grow.

Justice and Ethics

I celebrate diversity and commit to serving clients of all backgrounds and ensuring that coaching is culturally sensitive and inclusive. This also means that I’m dedicated to being anti-racist and leaning into educating myself on my own biases.


I believe in the interconnectedness of physical, mental and emotional health. Coaching focuses on addressing the whole person, promoting balance and resilience in all areas of life.

I love being a health coach, and I’m excited for the future as I continue exploring how I can incorporate public health work into coaching to support clients. I love that you’re joining me here. If you ever have question, please don’t hesitate to reach out using my contact form.
